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Angela Kane: A Career on Building Multilateralism

VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane (photo credit: UNA-Austria)

On 21 November 2018, VCDNP Angela Kane spoke with members of the Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (ÖGAVN) on her extensive career in the UN, most recently as High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. During her remarks, Ms. Kane spoke candidly about the evolution of the UN since she first joined the organisation in 1977. She described the various postings that she held within the UN spanning five Secretary Generals and, notably, highlighted her intensive work on Syrian chemical weapons issues from 2013. Ms. Kane left the UN in 2015 and continues to be very active on the political scene in Europe and abroad.

Read Ms. Kane's full remarks here (in German).

Former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane with Former Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations Gerhard Pfanzelter (photo credit: UNA-Austria).
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