Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

Angela Kane Interviewed about OPCW's New Attribution Right

CBRNe World Magazine and TRT World interviewed VCDNP’s Angela Kane regarding a resolution that has given the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the mandate to assign blame in cases of attacks with chemical weapons.

Following the Fourth Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties at the OPCW, Ms. Kane discusses some of the complications around attribution for chemical weapons and how that might affect the OPWC's work.

“This is a very important decision, indeed. It’s totally unprecedented as far as the OPCW mandate and activities so far are concerned. […] The OPCW, which always considers itself a technical secretariat, now is moving [...] into a very political sphere, which beforehand was more fought out, if you so want, in the Security Council and the United Nations.”

(Excerpt from the TRT World interview below)

The interview and accompanying article from TRT World, "Chemical arms watchdog wins right to assign blame for attacks," was published on 28 June 2018.

The full CBRNe World article by Editorial Director Gwyn Winfield "The Fourth is with you… always" was published on the website on 29 June, 2018.

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