Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

Angela Kane Joins the International Board of BICC

VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane

VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane has been appointed to the International Board of the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a research organisation that conducts critical, problem-oriented, policy relevant research in response to the problems posed by organised violence worldwide. BICC's research focusses on three distinct areas: (1) armament and arms control; (2) dynamics of violent conflict; and (3) violence in social orders with the ultimate goal of change.

The idea of conversion studies, which is central to BICC's mandate, refers to the dynamic between war and peace and the lack of clarity on or the gray area between the two.

BICC attempts to unite research and practice with the use of its "knowledge circle" concept, aimed in particular towards academia, policy, local stakeholders and the general public.

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