Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

Angela Kane on Rethinking Strategic Stability

On 27 September 2019, VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane recalled the importance of Russia-West cooperation during a panel discussion under the auspices of the University Consortium's Fourth Annual Conference.

VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane

The panel discussion, entitled "Rethinking Strategic Stability," also included remarks by Dr. Alexei Arbatov (IMEMO) and Professor Dmitry Suslov (HSE), and was moderated by Professor Robert Legvold (Columbia University) and Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov.

During the discussion, panelists discussed concepts of strategic stability that are not only shaped by the United States and the Russian Federation, but by all nine nuclear-weapons-possessing states. They also discussed whether the doctrine of mutually assured destruction is still relevant in today's multipolar power balance.

Ms. Kane drew particular attention to recent examples of Russia-West cooperation on disarmament, including the US-Russia/OPCW joint operation to eliminate Syrian chemical weapons. She called for an increased role on multilateral institutions in strategic stability, especially the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Following the conference, the University Consortium extended its thanks to Ms. Kane for her contribution and invited her to join the University Consortium as a network member.

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