Title * Not Specified Mr. Ms.
First Name(s) *
Last Name(s) *
Nationality *
Current Residence (City, Country) *
Email *
Name of University/College *
Degree Programme * Bachelor Master PhD Other (please specify)
If selected "other," please specify.
Current Programme of Study *
Year of Graduation/Expected Year of Graduation *
Please provide your top reasons for applying to the Mentorship Programme. (200 Word Limit) *
How do you think the Mentorship Programme will benefit you in your studies and career aspirations? (200 Word Limit) *
How would you describe your current background/knowledge on arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament? Please note that prior knowledge on the topic is not required. (200 Word Limit) *
On what topic would you prefer your mentorship to focus? (First Choice) * Biological Weapons Chemical Weapons Conventional Weapons (including Small Arms and Light Weapons) Nuclear Weapons Emerging Technologies (e.g., Cyber, Artificial Intelligence, etcetera)
On what topic would you prefer your mentorship to focus? (Second Choice) * Biological Weapons Chemical Weapons Conventional Weapons (including Small Arms and Light Weapons) Nuclear Weapons Emerging Technologies (e.g., Cyber, Artificial Intelligence, etcetera)
On what topic would you prefer your mentorship to focus? (Third Choice) * Biological Weapons Chemical Weapons Conventional Weapons (including Small Arms and Light Weapons) Nuclear Weapons Emerging Technologies (e.g., Cyber, Artificial Intelligence, etcetera)