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Cooperation among Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zones: History, Challenges and Recommendations

In spring 2017, the VCDNP convened a group of experts to examine how cooperation could be enhanced among the nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZ). In the recently published task force report, recommendations on how to enhance inter-zonal cooperation are listed.

Excerpt from the Executive Summmary:

NWFZ have the potential to become a major force in the move towards a world without nuclear weapons, but realizing this potential would require robust cooperation among the zones. While options for cooperation abound, the efforts needed to bring them about range from fairly easy to quite challenging in terms of commitment and necessary resources. Several steps can be taken that are neither very demanding nor costly, but which might create the necessary momentum to commit to more far‑reaching activities. At a moment when divisions on the course of nuclear disarmament are particularly deep, with the majority of non‑nuclear‑weapon States concluding a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons against the background of stagnation in nuclear arms control and rising perceptions of the risks of use of nuclear weapons, a joint initiative by the NWFZs would be timely and much desirable.

Read the full report here.

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