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CTBT at 15: Status and Prospects

Conference participants

The Arms Control Association (ACA) jointly with the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) and with the support of the Government of the United Kingdom, organized a roundtable conference on 17 February 2012 in Vienna "CTBT at 15: Status and Prospects." The conference was organized alongside the official celebrations marking the 15th anniversary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and the establishment of the Preparatory Commission for the CTBT Organization in Vienna.

The roundtable conference featured participants from a wide array of stakeholders: representatives of several national missions in Vienna, high-level international and national organizations officials, as well as NGO experts and media. Panelists and participants alike engaged in constructive discussion and lively debate on CTBT-related issues.

The conference consisted of three parts. The first session focused on the role of CTBT in stemming nuclear proliferation and promotion of nuclear disarmament as well as its future contribution to these objectives. Speakers particularly emphasized the normative and moral authority CTBT has developed in the international community and especially the strengthening of a norm — not legally binding, but nonetheless exceptionally strong — that makes nuclear testing an unacceptable behavior.

The second session looked into technical aspects of the international verification system (IMS) and paid particular attention to the enhancement of its capability, in the past 15 years, to monitor compliance with the treaty.

The third, forward-looking part of the conference addressed the prospects of entry of the CTBT into force. Having noted recent ratifications by Indonesia and Guatemala, participants concentrated on discussion of ways to facilitate ratification by the remaining Annex II states. Participants discussed institutional, political, and ideological barriers on that path as well as a range of practical and symbolic measures that could accelerate CTBT's entry into force and strengthen the regime in the meantime.

Arms Control Association Conference Report

The 48-page report includes presentations by leading CTBT experts such as Dr. Lassina Zerbo and Amb. Tibor Toth. (POSTED: 25 OCTOBER 2012)
View the Report

Amb. Alfredo Labbé Villa, Amb. Tibor Tóth, and Tom Collina, Research Director, Arms Control Association
Ambassador Tibor Tóth, Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission of the CTBTO, and
Ambassador Alfredo Labbé Villa, Representative of Chile to the UN in Vienna and Chairman of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission
Daryl Kimball, ACA Director and
Elena Sokova, VCDNP Executive Director
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