Site icon Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

Eyes on the prize

Andromeda Tower, location of VCDNP. (Photo credit: Anna Weichselbraun)

Andromeda Tower, location of VCDNP. (Photo credit: Anna Weichselbraun)

The WorldECR visited the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey in August 2017 and also learned about the VCDNP.

"The presence of not only the international organisations but also diplomatic missions lends Vienna a 'critical mass of expertise,' says Sokova [Executive Director of VCDNP between 2011 and 2015], which would be difficult to find elsewhere, and enables the VCDNP to partner with a wide range of organisations to conduct research, outreach, education and training in non-proliferation and disarmament."

Read the full article in the WorldECR Issue 67 here.

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