Site icon Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

Global Security, Safety, and Nuclear Governance after Fukushima

On 18 February 2013, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) hosted a public seminar "Global Security, Safety, and Nuclear Governance after Fukushima" organized by the US-Japan Nuclear Working Group convened by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, the Federation of American Scientists, and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. The group unites experts from the Japanese and US nuclear energy policy communities. They seek to understand the implications of Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster on areas of shared national interest that transcend traditional ideological divides related to nuclear energy policy. The group conducted its third meeting in Vienna at the VCDNP premises.

Presentations were delivered by Ralph Cossa (President, Pacific Forum CSIS),Takuya Hattori (President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)), Nobuo Tanaka(Global Associate for Energy Security and Sustainability, Institute of Energy Economics; Former Executive Director, International Energy Agency). Charles Ferguson(President, Federation of American Scientists) moderated the meeting. The speakers discussed ways of improving nuclear safety and security following the accident, global implications of the accident for the nuclear industry—specifically in Japan—, and lessons that could be drawn by the international community at large. The representatives of diplomatic missions, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations actively participated in the discussion following presentations.

Event attendees
Ralph Cossa, Takuya Hattori and Charles Ferguson
Event attendees
Charles Ferguson
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