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Laura Rockwood on the Latest North Korean Weapons Test

VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood was interviewed by The Monocle Daily amid concerns surrounding an 18 April test by North Korea of a “new-type tactical guided weapon”, as well as to demands that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo be removed from the nuclear negotiations between Pyongyang and Washington.

VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood

Beginning her interview, Ms. Rockwood pointed out that the test didn't appear to run counter to Kim's announced moratorium on tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. Rather, this is Chairman Kim signalling his disappointment that the Hanoi meeting went poorly and that he is dissatisfied with the state of bilateral nuclear negotiations. In her view, though, Kim wasn't ready to walk away from the prospect of a deal with the US that would include sanctions relief.

"He's done as much as he wants to do on his nuclear programme. Now he wants to focus on his economy. Having said that, he appreciates that the leverage that he has, with the US in particular, is his nuclear programme. And if he can get an improved economic situation by giving up at least part of his nuclear programme, he's prepared to deal.

With regard to North Korea’s demand that Secretary Pompeo be removed from future negotiations, Ms. Rockwood posits that this reflects Kim’s belief that any deal must be concluded with President Trump himself. Neither Trump nor Kim seem to trust President Trump's subordinates, pointed out Ms. Rockwood. She also noted that if Trump reaches the 2020 American elections without a deal with North Korea, then he will have little to show to for his efforts – and Kim knows that.

Listen to Ms. Rockwood’s full interview here or on The Daily Monocle website.

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