Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

Meeting the Growing Safeguards Burden

Delegates and Member State representatives at 1536th IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna, Austria, 9 March 2020. Image courtesy of Dean Calma / IAEA.

An article in the new edition of The Nonproliferation Review by VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew and Executive Director of the Washington Office of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies Ian Stewart addresses the challenges faced by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in fulfilling its safeguards mandate in the face of an expanding safeguards burden and a relatively static budget.

The authors examine three main areas of opportunity in this regard: (1) budgetary expansion tied to changes in staffing policies, (2) continued evolution in safeguards approaches, and (3) technological innovation. Barriers and limitations are associated with each approach and the authors conclude that advancing any of them will face a difficult political environment. While this environment persists, the authors recommend continuous, intensified and partnership-oriented dialogue between IAEA Member States on how best to promote optimized, effective and transparent safeguards practices.

The article is available through Taylor & Francis, behind a paywall.

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