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Nuclear Weapons in Popular Culture

Gaukhar MukhatzhanovaThe VCDNP's Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, Director of International Organizations and Non-Proliferation Program, was quoted in an op-ed, "Pop culture is no longer full of apocalyptic nuclear visions. That's too bad", by Charlie Jane Anders, published on 27 February 2019 in the Washington Post.

In her opinion piece, Ms. Anders comments on the decline of nuclear weapons in popular culture and why it is important that the public be aware of the dangers that these weapons pose. Ms. Anders turned to Ms. Mukhatzhanova for a lay of the land in terms of the most pressing dangers in the nuclear field today.

"Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova with the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies says the risks are increasingly multipolar. They include the Trump administration's more aggressive nuclear posture review; the abandonment of key arms treaties with Russia and Iran; tensions between the nuclear-armed India and Pakistan; and the weakening of international institutions such as the United Nations. Possibilities such as a cyberattack that could trigger a missile launch are also worrisome."

The full article is available here, behind a paywall.

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