On 20 March, 2013, the VCDNP hosted a luncheon panel discussion with members of the Nuclear Security Governance Experts Group (NSGEG)[1] devoted to the release of their report titled "Responsibility Beyond Rules: Leadership for a Secure Nuclear Future." The panel featured former US Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Kenneth Brill, former Danish Ambassador to the IAEA John Bernhard, former Director of the IAEA Office of Nuclear Security Anita Nilsson, Research Fellow and Director of the Nuclear Policy and Technology Center at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies Shin Chang-Hoon, and President of the Partnership for Global Security Kenneth Luongo. The panel was moderated by Jennifer Smyser, Director of Policy Programming at the Stanley Foundation.
The panelists discussed in-depth the challenges facing the global nuclear security regime, the roles of various organizations and mechanisms in strengthening the regime, such as the Nuclear Security Summit process and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The main part of the discussion was devoted to the NSGEG recommendations focused on improving regime cohesion, establishment of universal norms, promoting greater transparency, and building international confidence in effective nuclear security. These recommendations contain a range of concrete actions that nuclear security policy makers, regulators, industry representatives, international organization officials, and nongovernmental experts can pursue together to advance global nuclear security governance. NSGEG experts offered specific proposals that national governments could pursue in further strengthening the global nuclear security regime, including during the forthcoming IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security in July 2013 and the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, Netherlands.
[1] The NSGEG is a globally diverse group with broad experience assessing the current state of nuclear security governance and developing a realistic and comprehensive set of policy recommendations intended to facilitate the evolution and improvement of the nuclear security regime. For more information, please visit www.nsgeg.org