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Ten Years On: VCDNP By the Numbers


For 10 years the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) has been a hub in Vienna, Austria, for training diplomats and practitioners in nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, convening results-oriented dialogue on critical issues, and supporting the work of the non-proliferation regime through partnerships with governments, international organisations, academic institutions and other non-governmental organisations, among others. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Center, the VCDNP has collated some highlights from a decade of work.


On the occasion of the VCDNP’s 10th anniversary, several eminent persons have been kind to reach out and congratulate the Center formally, including: Alexander Schallenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Austria; Robert Floyd, Executive Secretary, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization; Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency; and Laurie Patton, President, Middlebury College. The VCDNP expresses its thanks to them and all who take part in and support the Center’s work.

Read the Congratulatory Notes


Biannual Short Courses

Since 2011, the VCDNP has held 21 intensive short courses for diplomats and other practitioners focused on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament policy issues. The courses cover a wide range of issues, including: the non-proliferation regime at large; the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its review process; nuclear energy and the nuclear fuel cycle; nuclear safeguards, nuclear security and strategic trade controls; nuclear arms control historically and today; the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology; nuclear-weapon-free zones; current challenges to the regime; disarmament machinery, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Humanitarian Initiative that preceded it; and the work of the international organisations in Vienna.

Since the first course in September 2011 through September 2021, the VCDNP has trained 550 diplomats and practitioners in this flagship course, with an average of 26 participants per course. The VCDNP aims to have gender parity in its courses as much as possible. Although the proportion of women to men has fluctuated over the years, in recent years the Center has reached gender parity. The VCDNP flagship course aims in particular to reach diplomats and practitioners from developing countries, who have made up 73 percent of course participants.

Over the 10 years since its founding, the VCDNP has trained diplomats and practitioners from all over the world. The interactive graphics below offer insight into the variety of individuals who have taken part in the VCDNP’s flagship biannual short course.

This map displays the geographic distribution of participants. Hover over the countries to see how many individuals have participated in the VCDNP’s flagship course from which countries. Zoom in to see more detailed views of more dense areas.

Specialised Courses 

In addition to its biannual flagship course on disarmament and non-proliferation, the VCDNP has held intensive specialised courses on issues related to nuclear security and IAEA safeguards, as well as an intensive mini-course targeted to ambassadors newly-arrived in Vienna.


The VCDNP functions as a convener and platform for dialogue that brings together different stakeholders. The VCDNP also brings technical experts and policymakers together to promote technically informed policy dialogue. These discussions provide an opportunity to reach across traditional divides and break silos to have meaningful exchanges on nuclear issues. For example:

Former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano, Director of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies William Potter, former Foreign Minister of Austria Michael Spindelegger, former President of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey Sunder Ramaswamy and, and former Executive Secretary of the CTBTO Tibor Tóth at the opening ceremony for the VCDNP.

Outreach and Partnerships

For conducting impact-driven research and hosting results-oriented meetings, workshops and ad hoc training programmes, the VCDNP has partnered with more than 60 governments, international organisations, academic institutions, other non-governmental organisations and other groups. And we profoundly thank all of them for being valuable friends and colleagues and collectively working towards peace and security, strengthening non-proliferation and disarmament, and facilitating dialogue and capacity-building. The VCDNP is particularly grateful to the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the Carnegie Corporation of New York for the continuing multi-year support to the Center’s programs and activities.

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