Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

VCDNP Fact Sheet on Nuclear Power as a Reliable, Affordable and Sustainable Source of Energy

Nuclear energy as a reliable source of power that can play a role in energy supply diversification. As the only alternative baseload power source to fossil fuels, nuclear power can complement intermittent renewable options to ensure reliable low-carbon electricity supply.

This fact sheet focusses on nuclear energy, the role it can play in developing countries and the support that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides through its Milestones Approach.

View the fact sheet here.

The fact sheet builds on a panel discussion the VCDNP organised in February this year on the “Safe and Secure Use of Nuclear Power to Provide Reliable, Affordable and Sustainable Energy for All. At that event, experts from the IAEA and Member States shared with Vienna-based diplomats and other practitioners their experiences with nuclear power programmes, both new and expanding.

Some salient facts about the IAEA’s Milestone Approach, which provides a comprehensive framework of guidance for its Member States embarking on nuclear power, is also provided. Our aim is to help promote a better understanding of how countries benefit from peaceful uses of nuclear energy and its applications and how related safety and security concerns are being managed. We also hope to contribute to meaningful dialogue on strengthening international cooperation in this area to ensure that all countries can continue to benefit from peaceful uses of the atom.


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