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VCDNP's Angela Kane in interview with Reuters on Syria's chemical weapons

Angela Kane, VCDNP Senior Fellow

Angela Kane, VCDNP Senior Fellow

VCDNP's Angela Kane gave an extensive interview to the reporter Anthony Deutsch from Reuters on her experience in Syria and the country's chemical weapons programme.

Excerpt from the Reuters article "How Syria continued to gas its people as the world looked on"

Kane, the former U.N. high representative for disarmament, told Reuters that Uzumcu should have tackled Syria over its lapses in reporting to the OPCW, including undeclared chemicals and a failure to report the government’s Scientific Studies and Research Centre, which was, in effect, the programme’s headquarters.

“Why, my God, three-and-a half years later, has more progress not been made in clearing up the inconsistencies? If I was the head of an organisation like that ... I would go to Damascus and I would confront these people,” Kane said.

Read the full article here.

Watch the video interview clip here.

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