Towards a Successful A/CPPNM Review Conference

7 March 2022 • 
On 3 March 2022, the VCDNP hosted a virtual panel discussion entitled “Towards a Successful A/CPPNM Review Conference,” featuring high-level experts including the Co-Presidents Designate.
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On 3 March 2022, the VCDNP hosted a virtual panel discussion entitled “Towards a Successful A/CPPNM Review Conference.”

In advance of the first Review Conference of the Parties to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (A/CPPNM), to be held from 28 March to 1 April 2022, the Co-Presidents Designate and key stakeholders of the event were invited to share perspectives on: expectations for conference outcomes; methods to advance nuclear security globally; the role of international, regional, non-governmental and national organizations in advancing Amendment universalization; and effective implementation of the Convention and its Amendment, among other topics and questions raised by the audience.

Speakers of the webinar included:

  • Lydie Evrard, Deputy Director General (DDG) and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • Ambassador Benno Laggner, Switzerland; Co-President Designate of the A/CPPNM Review Conference
  • Ambassador Suleiman Umar, Nigeria; Co-President Designate of the A/CPPNM Review Conference
  • Ambassador Corine Kitsell, United Kingdom
  • Ambassador Morakot Sriswasdi, Thailand
  • Tomas Bieda, World Institute for Nuclear Security

VCDNP Executive Director Elena K. Sokova opened and moderated the webinar, noting the timeliness and necessity of the discussion in light of the grave concern expressed by the international community and IAEA Director General about the safety and security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine given the ongoing military conflict.

Following opening remarks from DDG Evrard of the IAEA, the Amendment to the CPPNM was highlighted as the sole international legally binding instrument requiring the physical protection of nuclear materials and facilities. Indeed, according to the Incident and Trafficking Database (ITDB) maintained by the Department of Nuclear Security at the IAEA, half of nuclear material that goes missing is during transit, demonstrating one example to highlight the importance of the expanded scope that the Amendment provides to the original convention. It was also raised that the IAEA remains a focal point to provide and improve coordination among states parties.

Designated as Co-Presidents for the Conference, Ambassador Benno Laggner of Switzerland and Ambassador Suleiman Dauda Umar of Nigeria provided remarks with a focus on an inclusive and flexible Review Conference process, universalization of the Amendment and consensus of the outcome document ahead of the event. In accordance with Article 16.1 of the CPPNM as amended to convene a review of its implementation, the Review Conference is already being commended as the most important global nuclear security event since the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS) of 2020.

Ambassador Kitsell highlighted the shared goal of strengthening global nuclear security. Moreover, the Ambassador noted the importance of access to peaceful uses of nuclear technologies as outlined under the Treaty on the Non‑Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), while also keeping pace with ongoing technological developments that could impact the international nuclear security framework. In addition, it was noted while nuclear security is a national responsibility, it is a responsibility that cannot be achieved by one state alone.

Ambassador Sriswasdi raised the importance of the Review Conference to exchange knowledge, share experiences and assist agencies that are implementing the A/CPPNM. The importance of nuclear security networks and universal adherence to the convention was underlined, as well as identification of potential implementation gaps, which will require global coordination under the nuclear security framework.

Mr. Bieda noted the event will be crucial in assessing the effectiveness of global physical protection measures to date. He also highlighted the importance of raising awareness across industry and emphasized the connections between industry and implementers in ensuring effective and impactful implementation of the A/CPPNM.

In the concluding discussion, assessing the adequacy of the Amendment and the Convention under the then prevailing situation was identified as a core focus of the outcome document of the Review Conference. Further, the work of the IAEA and its instruments was highlighted, including the Nuclear Security Series, as well as the International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) Missions. Second, to improve awareness on ratification and universalization, it was recommended to conduct further outreach and engagement with agencies involved in the effective implementation of the A/CPPNM as well as parliamentarians. The ability to share experiences and expertise through multi‑stakeholder dialogue was additionally highlighted, especially in tackling potential future threats and evolutions of technologies. Lastly, the crucial role of non-governmental and international organizations was placed in the spotlight, to facilitate exchanges alongside official dialogue and related activities or events.

As the A/CPPNM Review Conference approaches, the VCDNP also conducted a research project, resulting in a report released in February 2022 entitled Accession to and Impact of the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material on States Parties. The study examined the impact of implementing the Amendment on States Parties ahead of the Review Conference. Report results outlined challenges to accession to the Amendment, effective implementation measures of the Amendment and expedition of the Amendment’s universality from the perspectives of more than 28 countries.

See fact sheet on the A/CPPNM here.

The full recording of the webinar event can be found below.

Registration & Questions
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Should you have any questions, please e-mail or call us.

Related Experts

Elena K. Sokova
Executive Director
Ingrid Kirsten
Senior Fellow

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