ACRS Working Group Oral History

16 December 2021 • 
VCDNP Senior Research Associate Hanna Notte presented with Dr. Chen Kane at a recent webinar with their findings from an oral history project focusing on the Arms Control and Regional Security Working Group.
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On December 14 2021, VCDNP Senior Research Associate Dr. Hanna Notte and Dr. Chen Kane (Director, Middle East Nonproliferation Program, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies), spoke at the Wilson's Center's Global Middle East Seminar Series about their ongoing oral history project on the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group meetings in the early 1990s.

Dr. Chen Kane (Director, Middle East Nonproliferation Program, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies) and Dr. Hanna Notte (Senior Research Associate, VCDNP).

During the project, Dr. Notte and Dr. Kane conducted dozens of oral history interviews with diplomats involved in ACRS, including from Canada, Egypt, India, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Turkey and the United States, and augmented those accounts with new archival findings. During the event, they shared their main findings on the inception, format, fault lines and inflection points of the ACRS Working Group. They also reflected on the main achievements and failures of the process, and discussed lessons learned, both substantively and in terms of process design, for a future arms control and regional security process in the Middle East.

The ACRS Oral History Project is supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and co-organized by CNS and the Wilson Center's Nuclear Proliferation International History Project.

A recording from the event is available below and on the Wilson Center’s website.

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