"Additive Manufacturing and Nuclear Nonproliferation"

17 October 2018 • 
VCDNP Senior Research Associate Ulrich Kühn contributed to a workshop on the security implications of additive manufacturing and nuclear non-proliferation.
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Additive manufacturing (AM), such as 3-D printing, could play a decisive role in future challenges to arms control regimes. VCDNP Senior Research Associate Ulrich Kühn contributed to a workshop on the subject in April 2018, organized in concert with The Stanley Foundation in Berlin, Germany.

The workshop, entitled "Additive Manufacturing and Nuclear Nonproliferation: Shared Perspectives on Security Implications and Governance Options," brought together European and US experts, including technical experts, researchers, industry stakeholders and government officials who deal with export controls and non-proliferation regimes. They discussed the risks and opportunities posed by AM technology, including government approaches.

A policy brief detailing the themes and outcomes of the workshop is available on The Stanley Foundation's website.

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