Angela Kane joins European delegation to discuss the future of the JCPOA in Washington

30 January 2018 • 
VCDNP’s Angela Kane joined a senior delegation to Washington from the European Leadership Network.  In addition to herself, the delegation included Lady Catherine Ashton, Sir Simon Gass and Senator Bogdan Klich, accompanied by Sir Adam Thomson, the Director of the European Leadership Network. The delegation engaged with the United States Senate on the future of […]
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Angela Kane - ELN
Angela Kane - ELN
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane and former Political Director of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office Sir Simon Gass.

VCDNP’s Angela Kane joined a senior delegation to Washington from the European Leadership Network.  In addition to herself, the delegation included Lady Catherine Ashton, Sir Simon Gass and Senator Bogdan Klich, accompanied by Sir Adam Thomson, the Director of the European Leadership Network.

The delegation engaged with the United States Senate on the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in addition to meetings with representatives from across the United States government and think tanks.  Ms. Kane participated in a press briefing with the former Political Director of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Sir Simon Gass. Some media reports featuring Ms. Kane are below.

Iran nuclear deal: Trump to make a final decision, says Rex Tillerson
The fate of the nuclear deal with Iran will hang in the balance once more on Friday, when Donald Trump must decide whether to continue sanctions relief for Tehran or violate the 2015 agreement. [...] “The threat of sanctions is a very real one – who wants to invest in Iran if you don’t know what it going to happen in the future?” said Angela Kane, a German diplomat who was the UN high representative for disarmament.
The Guardian

Trump to make Iran deal decision today: Tillerson
President Trump will decide today whether or not to waive nuclear sanctions again and keep the U.S.'s commitments to the Iran deal, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson -- the first time he has been faced with the choice since he announced his new strategy for the country late last year. [...] "We could've had by now actually a nuclear-armed Iran if not for the JCPOA... which would've added tremendously to the instability" in the Middle East, said Angela Kane, a German diplomat who served as the United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs -- and a member of a delegation of retired European diplomats in Washington to meet with members of Congress and administration officials.
ABC News

Trumplomacy: Has Trump made the world more dangerous?
The world has become a more uncertain place since US President Donald Trump issued his "America First" decree in the dark and dystopian language that so alarmed allies and intrigued adversaries. But has it become more dangerous? [...] It could also undermine the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty on which the Iran deal was built, says Angela Kane, until recently the UN's top disarmament official: "We need to have this as a gold standard."

A full report of the European Leadership Network’s visit is available on their website.

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