Angela Kane on the Future of Arms Control

30 September 2019 • 
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane participated in a panel discussion on the future of arms control, organized by the Deep Cuts Commission.
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Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs

On 17 September 2019, VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane participated in a panel discussion on "The Future of Arms Control: Consequences and Options after the End of the INF Treaty," organized by the Deep Cuts Commission at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) at the University of Hamburg.

Joining Ms. Kane on the panel was Tom Countryman (former US Acting Undersecretary of State), Rüdiger Bohn (Deputy Federal Government Commissioner for Disarmament and Arms Control), Sergey Rogov (Director of the Institute for US and Canadian Studies) and Sir Adam Thomson) Director of the European Leadership Network). IFSH Deputy Director Dr. Götz Neuneck moderated the event.

The panelists discussed the demise of the INF Treaty and possible consequences for New START, the NPT and European security architecture more broadly in the context of current international developments. During her remarks, Ms. Kane expressed her concerns at the apparent abandonment of multilateralism and drew attention to the importance of continuous dialogue in this field.

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Related Experts

Angela Kane
Senior Fellow
Laura Rockwood
Senior Fellow

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