Angela Kane on the US-Russian Negotiations on New START

23 June 2020 • 
Arms Control, Commentary, Publications
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane speaks spoke to Euronews correspondent Jack Parrock on the recent US-Russian negotiations in Vienna.
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Delegations from the United States and the Russian Federation met in Vienna on Monday, 22 June 2020, to discuss issues of strategic stability, in particular the possibility of extending the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).

As negotiations continued, experts stood by for comment. VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane spoke with Euronews correspondent Jack Parrock and observed that, as this New START is the last bilateral arms control treaty left between the US and Russia, there is value in preserving it.

"There is a lot of value in maintaining a treaty as it is right now," observed Ms. Kane. "You've got transparency. You've got military-to-military contact. You have [...] more knowledge about what is going on in the other country."

The interviews with Ms. Kane are available below.

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Angela Kane
Senior Fellow

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