Accession to and Impact of the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material on States Parties

7 February 2022 • 
Nuclear Security, Publications, Reports and Papers
The VCDNP has published a new report that examines the impact of the CPPNM’s Amendment on States Parties and what measures would facilitate its effective implementation and universality.
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In advance of the Review Conference of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) 2005 Amendment approaches, the VCDNP conducted a study to assess conditions surrounding universal adherence to the CPPNM and its Amendment (collectively known as the A/CPPNM). The study entailed an examination of the impact of implementing the Amendment on States Parties, as well as challenges to accession to the Amendment, measures that would facilitate effective implementation of the Amendment and expedite its universality.

Authored by VCDNP Research Associate Artem Lazarev and Visiting Research Fellow Marianne Nari Fisher, the study consisted of initial research, a survey of 28 States Parties to the CPPNM, and a high‑level workshop that featured remarks by from senior experts and diplomats. In particular, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and Swiss Ambassador Benno Laggner, who will serve as A/CPPNM Review Conference Co‑President, offered their perspectives on the importance of the Convention, its Amendment and the upcoming Review Conference. The project yielded a number of recommendations for both the States Parties themselves as well as international organisations, non‑governmental organisations and other relevant entities.

While the report contains a number of specific recommendations, broader topical recommendations include:

  • Enhancement of general coordination and effectiveness of implementation of the Amendment;
  • Support of international assistance mechanisms for joining and effectively implementing the Amendment;
  • Outreach to States that are not yet party to the Amendment; and
  • Promotion and increase of attendance of representatives at the 2022 Review Conference of the Parties to the Amendment.

The survey results also revealed strong support by Member States for the upcoming A/CPPNM Review Conference and the belief that “States should use the 2022 Conference in order to create a forum for parties to engage in regular dialogue on how the Amendment is being translated into the on-the-ground nuclear security progress and to monitor and identify gaps in implementation, review progress, promote continuous improvement and discuss emerging nuclear threats”.

The full report and its annex containing the results of the VCDNP’s survey are available below.

Read the full report

Read the report annex

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