Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament (CEND)

16 July 2019 • 
Commentary, Disarmament, Publications
Dr. William Potter looks at the potential for "Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament" initiative.
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16 July 2019

A potentially significant new global dialogue on nuclear disarmament was launched in DC this month that may affect the 2020 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Review Conference. Dr. William C. Potter, CNS Director and Chair of the VCDNP International Advisory Board, looks at the origin, reception, and potential of “Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament”  (CEND) initiative in his latest publication entitled "Taking the Pulse at the Inaugural Meeting of the CEND Initiative."  VCDNP’s Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova is a member of the CNS/VCDNP team conducting research on the impact of the CEND to the NPT review process.

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Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova
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