Elena Sokova on the Prospect of Digital Terrorism

12 September 2019 • 
Commentary, New Technologies, Publications
VCDNP Executive Director Elena Sokova provided commentary to DS+ on the prospects of non-state actors misusing emerging, digital technologies.
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Elena K. Sokova, VCDNP Executive Director

VCDNP Executive Director Elena Sokova provided commentary to Debating Security Plus (DS+) on the prospects of non-state actors misusing emerging, digital technologies. After acknowledging the titanic work that has been done through international instruments such as UN Security Council Resolution 1540 and the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, Ms. Sokova drew specific reference to the new risks posed by the digital age, including advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, and to the potential of their misuse by non-state actors.

In today’s world, non-state actors may not need access to actual nuclear weapons or materials. They may be able to simply trick a state into believing they have access to them or that a particular state is under attack by its adversary triggering a real response to a forged attack.

Ms. Sokova's full comments are available on the DS+ website.

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Elena K. Sokova
Executive Director

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