Mara Zarka

Research Associate and Project Manager
"This is a nice short quote"

Areas of Research

  • Emerging and disruptive technologies
  • Security of nuclear and radiological materials against malicious non-State actors
  • Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear governance
  • Peaceful uses of nuclear science, technology and applications


Mara Zarka is a Research Associate and Project Manager at the VCDNP. She joined the Center in November 2013, previously working as Office and Events Manager and prior to that as Administrative Assistant and Events Coordinator. Her current research interests include the intersection of emerging and disruptive technologies with nuclear, the security of nuclear and radiological materials against malicious non-State actors, and the non-proliferation regime and nuclear governance. Previously she has contributed to projects focused on peaceful uses of nuclear science, technology and applications, IAEA safeguards and nuclear verification, and gender in non-proliferation and disarmament.

Prior to joining the VCDNP, she completed an internship at the International Peace Institute (IPI), Vienna Office, where she assisted in organizing the 43rd annual IPI Vienna Seminar focusing on the dangerous nexus between crime, conflict and terrorism. Ms. Zarka gained additional experience as an intern at the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization in Vienna, which sparked the topic of her bachelor’s thesis entitled “The Nuclear Ordeal: Explaining India’s Shift in Foreign Policy.” She has also worked on local political campaigns in the United States.


Ms. Zarka is fluent in English and German, proficient in Spanish and has basic knowledge of French. She holds a Master of Advanced International Studies (M.A.I.S.) from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (2013) and a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs and Psychology from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, USA (2010).

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