Laura Rockwood Interviewed on DPRK Nuclear Issues

4 September 2018 • 
The EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium interviewed VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood on the DPRK nuclear program and prospects for the future.
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Laura Rockwood, VCDNP Director

VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood was interviewed by the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EU NPCD) for its September 2018 newsletter. In her interview, Ms. Rockwood discussed her views on the idea of denuclearization, what future verification activities would require and the role of Europe moving forward.

Laura Rockwood, VCDNP Director
Laura Rockwood, VCDNP Executive Director

"Certainly, nobody would like to see this process fail. However, I am not very optimistic about the likelihood of it resulting in a success in terms of actual denuclearization, and for a variety of reasons. First of all, the DPRK has invested considerable time, resources, and energy to developing its nuclear capabilities and it would be difficult to imagine that Kim Jong-Un (KJU) would be willing to relinquish that which got him to the table in the first place."

Read the full newsletter here, which includes Ms. Rockwood's full interview, and and other news related to the EU Consortium and the European Network.

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Laura Rockwood
Senior Fellow

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