March 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Short Course

1 February 2019 • 
Call for applications! The VCDNP next short course will be on 23-27 March 2020.
Deadline to apply: 31 January 2020.

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Invitation to Apply for Participation

The Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) will offer an intensive course for diplomats and other practitioners focused on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament policy issues. The course will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 23 to 27 March 2020.

The course will be taught by faculty and experts from the VCDNP and Vienna-based international organizations, as well as other internationally recognized professionals. The one-week program will include: an extended analysis of the non-proliferation regime; an overview of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its associated institutions and mechanisms; and an assessment of current challenges to nuclear non-proliferation, arms control, disarmament and nuclear security. The course will be conducted entirely in English; good English language skills will be essential for successful completion of the course.

"Really good and comprehensive overview of the field and an excellent start into the disarmament and non proliferation world!"

"As a Vienna-based official, this course has widened my understanding and practical assessment of the nuclear issues. I would encourage all to take it."

“The selection of topics was very useful to providing a background of the international security architecture with regard to disarmament & non proliferation and their legal bases.”

“It covers a wide range of the issues related to the subject matter, and [I liked] that the lectures were given by experts with profound command of their field.”

—Reviews from previous course participants

The tuition fee for the course is 1000 Euros. The organizers are in a position to waive the tuition fee for participants from developing countries and in some other cases, if requested. The organizers are also able to make available a small number of stipends to cover airfare and accommodation to assist select applicants from developing countries traveling from their national capitals or other duty stations.


The deadline for applications is 31 January 2020, but parties are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Applications from qualified women, candidates from developing countries and Vienna-based diplomats are encouraged. All applications should be submitted in English and include:

  1.  An endorsement/nomination letter from the applicant's Mission, Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other relevant organization;
  2. A curriculum vitae of the applicant;
  3. A letter of interest; and
  4. A request for tuition waiver and/or travel support (if relevant).

Application materials can be submitted via email to or mailed to VCDNP, Donau City Strasse 6, Andromeda Tower, Floor 13/1, 1220 Vienna, Austria. Selections will be finalized by 07 February 2020, and applicants informed thereafter.

All inquiries about the course should be directed to

Registration & Questions
We kindly ask you to RSVP using our online registration.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail or call us.

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