Mini-Course for Ambassadors on Nuclear Issues

2 May 2023 • 
The VCDNP held a mini-course for Vienna-based ambassadors on nuclear issues, hosted by Ambassador Pirkko Hämäläinen, Permanent Representative of Finland to the International Organisations in Vienna.
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On 17–19 April 2023, the VCDNP conducted an intensive mini-course on nuclear issues for ambassadors recently posted in Vienna. Through presentations and panel discussions, ambassadors from 15 countries explored issues at the top of the agenda for the Vienna diplomatic community and international organizations. The course program covered topics such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and its review process, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the International Atomic Energy Agency’s safeguards system and the work on peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, and nuclear security.

The participating ambassadors and VCDNP staff

The VCDNP is grateful to the Carnegie Corporation of New York for their generous support of the Center’s capacity-building and training activities and to Ambassador Pirkko Hämäläinen and the Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN and other International Organizations in Vienna for generously hosting this course.

Registration & Questions
We kindly ask you to RSVP using our online registration.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail or call us.

Related Experts

Elena K. Sokova
Executive Director
Angela Kane
Senior Fellow
Laura Rockwood
Senior Fellow
Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova
Japan Chair for a World without Nuclear Weapons
Karolina Proprentner
Office and Events Manager

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