November 2021 Course on “Safeguards for Policymakers: What You Need to Know”

11 December 2021 • 
From 29 Nov to 3 Dec 2021, the VCDNP held its second specialised short course on “Safeguards for Policymakers: What You Need to Know.”
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From 29 November to 3 December 2021, the VCDNP held its second specialised short course on “Safeguards for Policymakers: What You Need to Know.”

VCDNP Executive Director Elena K. Sokova, IAEA Safeguards Department’s Director of the Division of Information Management Jacques Baute and VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew giving opening remarks to the course.

In a virtual formal, the VCDNP welcomed 22 participants from diplomatic missions in Vienna as well as from national capitals representing either ministries or national regulatory bodies drawn from 20 different countries. Women made up 59 percent of the participants, and 38 percent of lectures featured female speakers. During the course week, the participants had the opportunity to attend 15 substantive sessions led by world-class experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), governmental and regulatory bodies, and leading think tanks.

The participants of the VCDNP course on “Safeguards for Policymakers: What You Need to Know” pose for a group photo.

The week-long course covered a wide range of topics on nuclear safeguards, including nuclear basics, the evolution of safeguards and their place in the global non-proliferation regime, an overview of the planning, implementation and evaluation of safeguards, as well as safeguards in practice. Safeguards inspectors and technical experts from the IAEA gave detailed overviews of what safeguards look like “on the ground” and what measures the IAEA uses to implement and evaluate safeguards, both in countries and at headquarters. State representatives also presented their best practices in the operation of nuclear regulatory bodies and State systems for accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSACs). Finally, the course participants discussed the case studies in safeguards non-compliance, including the legal and institutional underpinning for non-compliance reporting.

IAEA Safeguards Department’s Director of the Division of Information Management Jacques Baute and Director of Open Nuclear Network (formerly Section Head for Non-Proliferation and Policy in the IAEA’s Office of Legal Affairs) Laura Rockwood give an overview of safeguards non-compliance and non-compliance reporting.

The course allowed participants to engage with the subject matter interactively. Speakers utilized Mentimeter polls to further interactive communication. In addition, participants engaged in group conversations and socials. The course ended with a test of the participants’ knowledge gained throughout the week in the form of a safeguards trivia game played in teams.

See the course agenda

At the end of the course, participants completed an anonymous course evaluation and provided their feedback on the course content and structure. The participants evaluated the course overall either as very good or excellent. The following comments were made (quoted as written):

“Really found it useful how safeguards was approached from all angles; policy, legal and technical implementation perspective.”

“The course was very comprehensive in its focus and I definitely felt that it covered a range of issues which improved my understanding of safeguards.”

“It is a great course. We learned many useful matters that we needed to know about. Thank You very much for putting efforts in organizing such program for us.”

“Many thanks to the VCDNP Team for the idea to organize this course. It was genuinely beneficial for my professional development - both to get knowledge and for networking.”

“The course covered all the areas from basics to practical ones and the discussions clarified lots of issues. The game was also extremely helpful.”

The course was made possible thanks to the support of the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office of the Government of the United Kingdom. The VCDNP also expresses its gratitude to the IAEA and its Departments of Safeguards for its cooperation in implementing the course.

Registration & Questions
We kindly ask you to RSVP using our online registration.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail or call us.

Related Experts

Elena K. Sokova
Executive Director
Laura Rockwood
Senior Fellow
Noah Mayhew
Senior Research Associate

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