Podcast: Angela Kane on the UN's Role in Addressing Global Security Challenges

29 January 2025 • 
Podcasts, Publications
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane shared her insights as former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs on the ability of the United Nations to effectively address global security challenges, from autonomous weapons to nuclear disarmament.
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VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane appeared on the podcast of the German Federation of Scientists, exploring contemporary global security challenges facing the United Nations, and the organisation’s ability to respond effectively. Drawing on her extensive experience as a long-time UN official and former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Angela Kane joined Dr. Maria Reinisch, Director of the German Federation of Scientists, and junior researcher Jan Koy to explore the UN’s role in addressing issues ranging from digital threats and autonomous weapons controls to nuclear disarmament in a rapidly changing world.

The discussion covered key topics, such as how the UN promotes peace and security amid growing geopolitical tensions, climate change, and the fast-paced development of new, disruptive technologies. Angela Kane reflected on pivotal moments in her career and their impact on her perspective on global security. Crucially, the speakers examined how a world without the United Nations would be less cooperative and secure, emphasising the importance of collective action and multilateral diplomacy.

The discussion touched on the future of global collaboration, the UN’s approach to collective security compared to individual state strategies, how reforms of the UN Security Council could enhance its ability to react to threats to international peace and security, and the indispensable contributions to UN efforts by regional organisations like the European Union, the African Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Listeners gain insight into the mechanisms, hurdles, and potential of the UN’s international security machinery and how cross-regional cooperation can contribute to strengthening global peace and security. The episode concludes with a reflection on the responsibilities of future generations, the moral role of the UN Secretary-General, and the UN’s important function in addressing cross-border issues.

This podcast episode is only available in German.

Related Experts

Angela Kane
Senior Fellow

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