Putting the Prague Agenda in Context: Looking Backward, Looking Forward, Looking Beyond

10 September 2018 • 
Commentary, Disarmament, Publications
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane published an article in the academic journal New Perspectives.
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Angela Kane, VCDNP Senior Fellow
Angela Kane, VCDNP Senior Fellow
Angela Kane, VCDNP Senior Fellow

The Special Section of New Perspectives, an interdisciplinary academic journal on Central and Eastern European politics, was recently published with an article by VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane. In the article, Ms. Kane assessed progress in disarmament since Barack Obama's 'Prague Speech' in 2009 where he famously called for a world without nuclear weapons.

Among the topics Ms. Kane discusses are actions taken since President Obama's 'Prague Speech,' the 2015 NPT Review Conference and new developments, such as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

The full version of Ms. Kane's article is available here.

Related Experts

Angela Kane
Senior Fellow

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