How States Benefit from Amending or Rescinding Small Quantities Protocols

8 June 2022 • 
Briefs and Factsheets, Nuclear Safeguards, Publications
The first edition of the VCDNP’s new “Governing the Atom Brief Series” focuses on how amending or rescinding small quantities protocols to safeguards agreements benefit the State in question.
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First page of the first edition SQP Brief

What is a small quantities protocol (SQP) to a safeguards agreement? Why has the standard text for SQPs been modified and what is the significance of the modified SQP? In practical terms, how does a State amend or rescind an SQP? What are the benefits to the State of amending to the modified text or rescinding an SQP?

In the first edition of a new series of issue briefs, entitled the “Governing the Atom Brief Series,” VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew and Research Intern Kseniia Pirnavskaia address the above questions, placing emphasis on how amending or rescinding an SQP can benefit the State concerned in international political, domestic institutional and technical contexts.

The “Governing the Atom” brief series” presents easily digestible and factual information to experts and government representatives on critical nuclear governance issues and  aids States in  their decision making in critical issues related to working with international organisations and regimes, including the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Comprehensive Nuclear‑Test‑Ban Treaty Organization, as well as on arms control and disarmament, nuclear export controls, nuclear security, and other relevant topics.

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Related Experts

Noah Mayhew
Senior Research Associate

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