Posts with Tag: Non-Proliferation

Videocast Launch: Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower

VCDNP Senior Research Associate Dr. Hanna Notte and CNS Director of the Eurasia Nonproliferation Program have launched a new video/podcast on arms control, nonproliferation, and international security issues.
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Ten Years On: VCDNP By the Numbers

14 December 2021 • 
For 10 years the VCDNP has been a hub in Vienna for training diplomats and practitioners in the nuclear field, convening results-oriented dialogue on critical issues, and supporting the strength of the non-proliferation regime through partnerships with governments, international organisations, academic institutions, other non-governmental organisations and other groups.
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Atomic Steppe: How Kazakhstan Gave Up the Bomb

14 December 2021 • 
On 9 December 2021 the VCDNP hosted a virtual launch of Dr. Togzhan Kassenova’s new book, detailing Kazakhstan’s decision to disarm through the lens of the activists and citizens who drove the movement.
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Nuclear-Conventional Entanglement and Advent of Hypersonic Weapons

8 November 2021 • 
On 27 October 2021, the VCDNP held the fifth webinar in the DET Series, focused on the relationship between nuclear and conventional weapons, featuring remarks by Dmitry Stefanovich.
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Fall 2021 Online Short Course on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

14 October 2021 • 
On 27 September to 1 October 2021, the VCDNP held its twenty-second intensive short course on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament for diplomats and practitioners.
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AUKUS Nuclear-Powered Submarine Deal – Non-proliferation Aspects

A brief overview of the nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards aspects of the proposal for Australia to build and operate nuclear-powered submarines, authored by VCDNP Non-Resident Senior Fellow John Carlson.
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End of an Era: The United States, Russia, and Nuclear Nonproliferation

24 August 2021 • 
VCDNP Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov, Senior Research Associate Hanna Notte and Research Associate Noah Mayhew have contributed chapters to a new edited volume, which examines some of the past challenges in the nuclear field, which were addressed through US-Russian cooperation.
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(Still) Preparing for the Tenth NPT Review Conference

17 June 2021 • 
Senior diplomats and officials discuss the upcoming NPT Review Conference during a virtual workshop organized by CNS and the VCDNP.
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Nuclear Risk Reduction and the Tenth NPT Review Conference

15 June 2021 • 
On 31 May 2021, the VCDNP held a webinar on the risk of use of nuclear weapons and risk reduction measures in the context of the upcoming Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
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From the Iran Nuclear Deal to a Middle East Zone?

31 May 2021 • 
On 27 May 2021, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova spoke at an event organized by UNIDIR, launching its essay collection on “Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone: From the Iran Nuclear Deal to a Middle East Zone? Lessons from the JCPOA for the ME WMDFZ.”
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Mara Zarka contributes to April 2021 newsletter of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium

5 May 2021 • 
The international community has increasingly recognised the importance of women’s participation in peace and security issues, but how is this codified in policy development and what work is being done in this regard? VCDNP Project/Events Manager and Research Associate Mara Zarka addresses this in a new piece in the EUNPDC newsletter.
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Steps Forwards for the Year of Peace and Trust

28 April 2021 • 
VCDNP Executive Director Elena Sokova spoke in a high-level conference on “strengthening international and regional cooperation in the field of disarmament,” organised by the government of Turkmenistan and the CTBTO.
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EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Next Generation Follow-Up Meeting

23 April 2021 • 
On 13 April 2021, the VCDNP and the Istituto Affari Internazionali held a follow-on meeting to the EU Next Generation Workshop on non-proliferation and disarmament.
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Vienna Launch of the 2020 Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor

22 April 2021 • 
On 8 April 2021, the VCDNP hosted the launch of the 2020 edition of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Austria, Ireland, and New Zealand.
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March 2021 Online Short Course on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

8 April 2021 • 
On 15 – 26 March 2021, the VCDNP held its twenty-first intensive short course on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament for diplomats and practitioners.
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