Posts with Tag: Russia

Reimagining Risk Reduction: Adapting Cold War Tools to Manage 21st Century Strategic Instability

The VCDNP hosted a webinar with VCDNP Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov, Rose Gottemoeller, Sahil Shah, David Santoro, and Miles Pomper, who presented a new report analysing the next stage in the development of risk reduction tools to prevent nuclear escalation in an increasingly complex world.
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Reimagining Risk Reduction: Adapting Cold War Tools to Manage 21st Century Strategic Instability

VCDNP Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov co-authored a report analysing existing risk reduction and confidence-building mechanisms and providing practical recommendations for further development of this system to better address new and emerging security challenges.
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Assessing the Prospects for Russia’s INF 2.0 Proposal

Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov co-authored and presented a report published by IISS on current arms control proposals and evaluated proposals by Russia for a replacement of the 1987 INF Treaty.
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The Future of NATO’s Nuclear Posture and Arms Control in Today’s More Dangerous World

25 September 2024 • 
Miles Pomper, David Santoro, and Dr. Nikolai Sokov published an occasional paper on the future of NATO’s nuclear posture and arms control in an international environment characterised by challenges that have emerged in recent years.
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The Battle of Kursk and the Potential for Escalation in the Russo-Ukrainian War

7 September 2024 • 
Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov published an article in the Bulletin on Atomic Scientists exploring risks of escalation in the context of the Russian war against Ukraine.
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Death Dust: The Rise, Decline and Future of Radiological Weapons Programmes

21 June 2024 • 
The VCDNP hosted a seminar on State radiological weapons programmes, informed by the recently published book Death Dust, including past case studies and prospects for their future regulation.
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The Gaza Conflict, Russia's Response, and Implications for the War in Ukraine

27 November 2023 • 
Senior Middle East expert Dr. Hanna Notte joined VCDNP Executive Director Elena Sokova for a conversation on the Gaza conflict and implications for Russian foreign policy and the war in Ukraine at a webinar for students and young professionals.
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The Nuclear Dimensions of the War Against Ukraine

24 October 2023 • 
The VCDNP and the International Affairs Institute (IAI) organised an outreach event at the University of Innsbruck to engage the next generation and raise awareness of non-proliferation, disarmament, and arms control issues.
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Russia's War on Ukraine: The Implications for the Global Nuclear Order

VCDNP Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov and VCDNP Senior Research Associate Federica Dall’Arche contribute two chapters to the new book “Russia’s War on Ukraine: The Implications for the Global Nuclear Order”, published by Springer.
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Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower: Russia’s Nuclear Fever – A Conversation with Rose Gottemoeller

30 June 2023 • 
In the 8th episode of Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower, Dr. Hanna Notte and CNS' Sarah Bidgood speak with Rose Gottemoeller, who is the Steven C. Hazy lecturer at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC).
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Dr. Hanna Notte speaks at Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn

14 May 2023 • 
Senior Research Associate Dr. Hanna Notte addressed the implications of the war in Ukraine for non-proliferation prospects in the Middle East at the Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn.
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Dr. Nikolai Sokov: "Russia is deploying nuclear weapons in Belarus. NATO shouldn’t take the bait."

27 April 2023 • 
Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov comments in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on the recently announced nuclear sharing arrangement with Belarus.
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The War in Ukraine, Authoritarian Regimes and Opportunities for the Next Generation in Non-Proliferation: VCDNP and PRCP Joint Event at Charles University Prague

26 April 2023 • 
VCDNP colleagues joined the Peace Research Center Prague (PRCP) in the organisation of the PRCP Annual Conference at the Faculty of Law, Charles University Prague.
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Inheriting the Bomb: The Collapse of the USSR and the Nuclear Disarmament of Ukraine

14 April 2023 • 
At the launch of her new book Inheriting the Bomb, Dr. Mariana Budjeryn shared key findings from her decade-long research into Ukraine’s nuclear disarmament and explained their importance for today.
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The Proliferation Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: A Conversation with Professor Nicholas Miller

28 February 2023 • 
In this episode of Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower, hosts Sarah Bidgood (CNS) and Dr. Hanna Notte (VCDNP) speak with Nicholas Miller, associate professor in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College. Their conversation focuses on the proliferation implications of Russia’s war against Ukraine one year on.
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