Posts with Tag: United States

US-Russian Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Dialogue: Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead

16 June 2021 • 
On the eve of the Biden-Putin summit in Geneva, the VCDNP and the PIR Center hosted a webinar to discuss PIR Center's new monograph entitled Russia-U.S. Nuclear Nonproliferation Dialogue: Lessons Learned And Road Ahead.
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Out of Control: Missile (Non)-Proliferation in the Post-INF Era

2 June 2021 • 
On 25 May 2021, VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane addressed the EU Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defence on missile proliferation issues in a post-INF world.
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Making a Better Open Skies Treaty

22 February 2021 • 
The Open Skies Treaty is in crisis, but there are opportunities to not only save the treaty, but to improve it. On 18 February 2021, the VCDNP held a webinar with Dr. Peter Jones to discuss what those opportunities are and how they could be implemented.
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Putting Off the Crisis? Angela Kane and Nikolai Sokov on New START Extension

1 February 2021 • 
Following the decision by US and Russian leaders agreed to extend New START for a full five years, VCDNP Senior Fellows Angela Kane and Nikolai Sokov commented to, published 26 January 2021.
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The Future of Transatlantic Security: America, NATO, Russia and Beyond

27 November 2020 • 
What might the landscape of transatlantic security look like under a new US administration? VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew discussed this issue in a webinar hosted by King’s College London’s War Studies Society.
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Rebuilding the Vienna Spirit through Russian-US Dialogue on Safeguards

US and Russian experts, including VCDNP Non-Resident Senior Fellow John Carlson, call for mutual cooperation to bolster IAEA non-proliferation efforts in a new joint report, published by NTI and CENESS.
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The US Presidential Elections and US-Russian Relations

4 November 2020 • 
What affect might the US election have on US-Russian relations? Dr. Nikolai Sokov, VCDNP Senior Fellow, answers this question and more in an interview with BBC Russian Service on 4 November 2020.
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Prospects and Implications for New START Extension

16 September 2020 • 
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane addressed the UK House of Lords regarding the extension of New START and steps that can be taken if the Treaty is not extended.
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Angela Kane on the US-Russian Negotiations on New START

23 June 2020 • 
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane speaks spoke to Euronews correspondent Jack Parrock on the recent US-Russian negotiations in Vienna.
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The Future of Nuclear Arms Control: Time for an Update

VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane and Research Associate Noah Mayhew offer their perspectives on arms control in the 21st Century in a new piece published in English and German by Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden.
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Does Arms Control Have a Future?

22 June 2020 • 
In this VCDNP webinar on the future of arms control, Thomas Countryman, Angela Kane and Nikolai Sokov weigh in on how the status of arms control now and what its future might look like.
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US Withdrawal from Open Skies: Another Fait Accompli?

It is likely that the history of the JCPOA will repeat itself with the Open Skies Treaty according to VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane.
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Open Skies Treaty: Options in Case of US Withdrawal

VCDNP Senior Fellow Dr. Nikolai Sokov analyzes possible futures if recent reports indicate the United States is preparing to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty come to fruition.
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A Sad Anniversary: New START Turns 10

7 April 2020 • 
VCDNP Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov comments on the current situation facing the US-Russian New START Treaty on the occasion of the Treaty's anniversary. His prognosis - political will is the only condition overcome the current crisis, but political will is in short supply.
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US-Russian Dialogue on Arms Control: Does It Have a Future?

6 December 2019 • 
VCDNP Executive Director Elena Sokova, Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov and Research Associate Noah Mayhew participated in a Track 1.5 dialogue on the future of arms control.
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