The VCDNP’s Contribution to Tenth NPT Review Conference

23 August 2022 • 
A VCDNP delegation participated in the Tenth NPT Review Conference and hosted a side event on peaceful uses.
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The Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is taking place from 1 to 26 August 2022 in New York City, attracting hundreds of diplomats and civil society representatives. VCDNP experts contributed through various side events and their participation as advisors in national delegations.

  • The VCDNP and the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) held a hybrid side event dedicated to the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology and presented the recommendations of the VCDNP Task Force on Peaceful Uses.
  • Senior Research Associate Dr Hanna Notte spoke at a side event hosted by the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) focusing on narratives on the Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone.
  • Research Intern Kseniia Pirnavskaia spoke at the side event on the role of young experts in disarmament and non-proliferation, hosted by Republic of Korea, the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and BASIC.
  • Director of the International Organisations and Non-Proliferation Programme Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova serves as an advisor to the delegation of Costa Rica.
Masako Toki (CNS), Federica Dall’Arche, Elena K Sokova, Ingrid Kirsten, Kseniia Pirnavskaia

Expanding the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Science and Technology 

Ingrid Kirsten, Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi (UAE), Elena K Sokova, Nuno Luzio (IAEA)

On 4 August 2022, the VCDNP and the Permanent Mission of UAE to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organised a side event focusing on the third pillar of the NPT: peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. Moderated by VCDNP Executive Director Elena K Sokova, the panel featured Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the IAEA, Nuno Luzio, External Relations Officer at the IAEA, and Ingrid Kirsten, VCDNP Senior Research Associate.

Ambassador Hamad Alkaabi

In his remarks, Ambassador Alkaabi, a member of the VCDNP Task Force on Peaceful Uses, underlined the profound impact of peaceful uses on development and highlighted the lack of awareness among the public about the linkage between peaceful uses, the NPT, and sustainable development. This lack of awareness particularly prevents developing States from fully benefiting from peaceful uses.

“We need to look for opportunities to raise awareness, to educate people on what type of peaceful uses are out there.”

Nuno Luzio

Nuno Luzio briefed the participants on the role the IAEA plays in preserving and building necessary capacity and expertise to improve access to the peaceful application of particularly non-power applications of nuclear technology within a strong and sustainable global nuclear safety and security framework.

"No other organisation has such a repository of knowledge on peaceful applications.”

He further echoed the argument that a major barrier to expanding peaceful uses remains low awareness of their impact and public perception of nuclear technology. Mr Luzio also pointed out the crucial connection between peaceful uses and the development agenda. He emphasised that while the IAEA is not a development agency, much of its support to its Member States can be considered development assistance and is eligible to receive official development assistance (ODA).

Elena K. Sokova

Elena K Sokova also emphasized the vital linkage between development and peaceful applications of nuclear technology.

“Peaceful nuclear uses can be much better and wider utilised. The contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals needs to be better reflected in the work of the NPT.”

She provided a brief overview of the Report of the VCDNP Task Force on Peaceful Uses that contains recommendations on: awareness raising; improving and expanding partnerships; integrating safety, security and safeguards; and sustainability and access to nuclear technology.

Ingrid Kirsten

In her remarks, Ingrid Kirsten discussed the recommendations in depth, arguing for the need to bring all stakeholders to the table to discuss peaceful uses, especially considering that decisions on nuclear matters are often made by defence or energy officials without the involvement of development experts.

Ms Kirsten also highlighted the need for greater investment in capacity building for peaceful uses as well as furthering access to technology.

“We need to ensure that this technology is accessible and usable by all developing countries.”

Participants discuss the recommendations in the VCDNP Task Force report.

Ms Sokova concluded the panel by presenting VCDNP Task Force’s concrete recommendations for the Tenth NPT Review Conference, proposing:

  • To highlight successes in peaceful uses over the last 50 years;
  • To make a clear connection between peaceful uses and the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • To reaffirm support for cooperation on peaceful uses and support the IAEA and its important role;
  • To undertake specific, tangible actions and pledges for peaceful uses by including peaceful uses in national development plans and communicate outcomes to national and international development agencies; and
  • To call on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi to jointly convene a high-level conference on nuclear science and technology to raise awareness of their impact on sustainable development.

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Narratives on the Middle East WMD-Free Zone: Historical accounts, Drivers, and Themes

Panellists deliver their initial remarks at the NPT side event.

On 10 August, Dr Hanna Notte spoke at a side event organised by UNIDIR, at the Tenth NPT Review Conference in New York. The event focused on “Narratives on the Middle East WMD-Free Zone: Historical Accounts, Drivers, and Themes”.

Dr. Hanna Notte

Dr Notte reflected on the legacy of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group, which was formed as an outcome of the 1991 Madrid Conference. She discussed what specific lessons can be drawn from ACRS for the current UN General Assembly process toward the establishment of a Middle East Zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.

The event, moderated by UNIDIR Project Head Dr Chen Zak Kane, also featured Ambassador Wael Al Assad, UNIDIR Senior Fellow and former Ambassador of the League of Arab States to Austria, Thomas Markram, Deputy High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and UNODA Director and Dr Ali Vaez, Iran Project Director and Senior Adviser to the President, Crisis Group.

Watch the recording


Advancing the 'Youth, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament' Agenda: Next Generation Plenary

Speakers discuss the importance of the next generation inclusion in nuclear policy fields
Kseniia Pirnavskaia

On 4 August, Kseniia Pirnavskaia spoke at a virtual side event held by Republic of Korea, the UNODA and BASIC.

The event aimed at enabling dialogue between senior and young experts on the NPT issues, particularly focusing on the disarmament agenda and the role of youth. When elaborating on the reasons why the inclusion of next-generation experts is important in the disarmament fora, Ms Pirnavskaia emphasised creativity, freedom from prejudice, and teamwork as a powerful added value for the nuclear policy community. Ms Pirnavskaia encouraged young people to experiment with the established norms and enact change by bringing new perspectives.

Moderated by Dr Togzhan Kassenova, a non-resident fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the panel also included Tonie Jáquez, Counsellor and Political Coordinator at the Mission of Mexico to the UN, Dahee Song, First Secretary at the Permanent Representative of the ROK to the UN and Dilan E Koç, UN Youth Champion for Disarmament and graduate student at Yale University.

Watch the recording

Registration & Questions
We kindly ask you to RSVP using our online registration.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail or call us.

Related Experts

Elena K. Sokova
Executive Director
Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova
Japan Chair for a World without Nuclear Weapons
Federica Dall'Arche
Senior Research Associate
Ingrid Kirsten
Senior Fellow

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