VCDNP Course on “Safeguards for Policymakers: What You Need to Know”

28 June 2019 • 
The VCDNP held its inaugural intensive course on IAEA safeguards from 3 to 7 June 2019.
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From 3 to 7 June 2019, the VCDNP conducted its inaugural intensive course focused on the IAEA safeguards regime: “Safeguards for Policymakers: What You Need to Know”.

Working closely with the Department of Safeguards at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the VCDNP designed the course to explore the fundamentals of the safeguard regime, different types of safeguard agreements, and how they are implemented, especially in states that are considering or have decided to proceed with the development of their first nuclear power plant. The course is intended to enhance the knowledge and the understanding of the safeguards and their implementation by representatives of states and relevant state agencies to facilitate their informed participation in the work of the IAEA and its governing bodies.

Course participants and VCDNP staff.

Of the 20 total participants, many were from the diplomatic missions in Vienna, while others came from their national capitals representing either ministries of foreign affairs or national regulatory bodies. Participants came from Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and the Middle East. Women made up almost 50 percent of the participants, as well as speakers and guest lecturers. During the course week, the participants had the opportunity to attend 14 lectures by world-class experts from the IAEA, the VCDNP, and leading governmental and regulatory organizations.

The course provided a comprehensive overview of the evolution of IAEA safeguards, political and legal frameworks, and opportunities and challenges in implementing safeguards agreements. Interactive by design, the course allowed participants to actively engage with the subject matter. The specifics of the implementation of comprehensive safeguards agreements and additional protocols were discussed, and new tools and technologies for verification were examined. The course viewed the implementation of safeguards not only from the perspective of IAEA and its inspectorate but also from the view of the State.

Ambassador of Argentina to Austria, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the United Nations Office in Vienna, Resident Representative of Argentina to the IAEA and President-Designate of the 2020 NPT Review Conference Rafael Mariano Grossi.

Participants also had an opportunity to listen to the presentation and interact with Ambassador Rafael Grossi, the President‑Designate of the 2020 NPT Review conference . In order to provide them with more practical insights into the work and activities of the IAEA, the participants toured the IAEA’s safeguards laboratories in the Vienna International Center. There, they attended lectures on IAEA safeguards verification activities in general, and on verification equipment and techniques in particular.

At the end of the course, participants completed an anonymous evaluation, which highlighted their satisfaction with the course structure and stressed their appreciation for the level of expertise of the speakers. In particular, the following comments were made (quoted as written):

“It’s a very well structured course, covering legal, political and historical issues. It is also very useful to have an overview of technical aspects, which helps to understand the legal and political dimension.”

“The scope of issues covered were very much useful and believe that I will benefit from it all and can also explain and guide some of my co-workers back home.”

“Since I am covering all IAEA dossiers, of course this course helps to understand more of the work at the IAEA. I think this is important for a diplomat.”

“This course was useful for our national implementation activities for [the] Additional Protocol.”

“The understanding to the impetus for certain clauses and developments would aid in my work.”

“[I] especially enjoyed the personal anecdotes from the people who were present in past meetings.”

“Very united staff, interesting lectures, perfect place and wonderful group/team.”

The course was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The VCDNP also expresses its gratitude to the IAEA Departments of Safeguards for its cooperation in implementing this inaugural course.

Course Participants in front of the Vienna International Centre.

Registration & Questions
We kindly ask you to RSVP using our online registration.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail or call us.

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