VCDNP Task Force on Peaceful Uses: Report and Recommendations

15 December 2021 • 
Peaceful Uses, Publications, Reports and Papers
The VCDNP Task Force has published recommendations for increasing access to nuclear science and technology for peaceful uses in advance of the tenth NPT Review Conference and for the IAEA, its Member States and other stakeholders.
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The peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology contribute to sustainable development and the betterment of humankind across the globe. Since its creation in 1957, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has worked to implement its atoms for peace mandate by facilitating the availability and transfer of nuclear science and technology. At the same time, the IAEA implements nuclear safeguards, develops safety standards and security guidance, and supports its Member States in capacity building to utilise nuclear science and technology for peaceful uses.

In the lead-up to the Tenth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), States Parties engaged in a wide-ranging consultations on peaceful uses, including how to make better use of the NPT review process to further advance the peaceful use of the atom for development.

In this context, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) established a Task Force in late 2020 to examine and provide recommendations for approaches that could lead to increased access to nuclear science and technology for peaceful uses and contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while maintaining non-proliferation and nuclear security objectives. The Task Force examined these issues in the contexts of the NPT review process and of the IAEA’s mandate.

The resultant recommendations, contained in the report below, include a wide set of action items for the IAEA, its Member States and representatives of industry to increase awareness raising, expand and improve partnerships, improve the sustainability and access to nuclear applications and foster nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation cultures. The Task Force also made recommendations for consideration by NPT States Parties in advance of the Tenth NPT Review Conference. One such recommendation is for the Member States of the IAEA and NPT State Parties to call on the UN Secretary-General to convene a high-level conference with the IAEA Director General on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology to raise the profile of peaceful uses among all stakeholders worldwide.

Read the full report

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Elena K. Sokova
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Ingrid Kirsten
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