VCDNP's Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova talks to BBC World Service on the Iran Nuclear Deal

17 July 2019 • 
VCDNP's Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova interviewed by BBC World Service on recent developments surrounding the Iran nuclear deal.
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July 2019

VCDNP's Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova was interviewed by BBC World Service in their episode entitled "Iran threatens to breach nuclear accord." Ms. Mukhatzhanova was asked about the impact of US sanctions on Iran and her thoughts regarding the continued escalation between Iran and the United States. In the interview, Ms. Mukhatzhanova points to the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) special purpose vehicle the Europeans are trying to set-up as a possible positive step forward, though Ms. Mukhatzhanova indicated that even if made operational, INSTEX cannot offer full scale sanctions relief. She also expressed concern regarding the heightened tensions between the United States and Iran and notes that if we are not careful we might stumble into a war.

Listen to her full interview here from 5:15 to 13:00.


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Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova
Japan Chair for a World without Nuclear Weapons

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