Joint Course with AFRICSIS in Ghana

25 February 2019 • 
Next Gen
CNS and AFRICSIS held an intensive course in Ghana on non-proliferation for women with STEM backgrounds. VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood was among the lecturers.
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Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security Course Participants

From 11 to 15 February 2019, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and the African Center for Science and International Security (AFRICSIS) conducted an intensive course on nuclear non-proliferation for women with expertise in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The course, which was held in Accra, Ghana, invited more than 30 women, representing 16 African countries, as well as a number of highly-skilled professionals from all over the world. Among the lecturers was VCDNP Executive Director Laura Rockwood, who offered her experience in the nuclear field with an emphasis on IAEA safeguards.

Of particular focus during the course was the important contribution of women in STEM, both to the nuclear industry and more broadly. Ms. Rockwood spoke to this issue in a video that AFRICSIS compiled following the course.

"People tell me [that] we have no technical experts in the STEM areas who are women. It's just not true, and one of the great things about this event is that it gets these women connected to start networking, to help promote each other, along with the help of our male supporters as well."

The full video from AFRICSIS is available below.

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