Angela Kane Speaks at EU-Russia Forum on Current Issues

10 December 2018 • 
VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane spoke at the European Parliament in Brussels on prospects for improved cooperation with Russia.
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VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane

VCDNP Senior Fellow Angela Kane was a participant in the 12th annual European Russian Forum which, this year, focused on perspectives for Europe against the backdrop of ever-tenser EU-Russian relations. Participants at the forum included experts from across the EU, Russia and the US, including representatives from the governmental sector, as well as NGOs.

Ms. Kane spoke during a plenary session on "New war in Europe: probability, development, consequences." Of particular focus during Ms. Kane's remarks were concerns related to US President Donald Trump's announcement that he would be withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, as well overall concerns about the deteriorating status of US-Russian arms control agreements. Ms. Kane also emphasized the role of Europe in mitigating the tense situation in Western-Russian relations.

"In October, the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas agreed that there was frustration with Russia’s lack of compliance with the INF Treaty, but he warned of premature steps. He suggested to engage in talks with Washington and Moscow and to put the issue high on NATO’s agenda. He also warned that we should not retrace the discussions of the eighties about the stationing of NW. The NATO Eastern border no longer runs through Germany, and the debate had substantially changed, he pointed out. And he urged European unity – only then would Europe be taken seriously."


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Angela Kane
Senior Fellow

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