Noah Mayhew

Senior Research Associate
"This is a nice short quote"

Areas of Research

  • IAEA safeguards and nuclear verification
  • Member State experiences in safeguards implementation
  • The IAEA and its policymaking organs
  • Nuclear non-proliferation policy and broader issues of nuclear governance
  • US-Russian relations in nuclear non-proliferation and arms control
  • The history of North Korea’s nuclear programme


Noah Mayhew joined the VCDNP in July 2018 with a focus on nuclear non-proliferation, international nuclear safeguards and nuclear verification, nuclear arms control, and US-Russia relations. Since he joined the VCDNP, Mr. Mayhew has worked extensively on safeguards matters, including a focus on the State‑level concept for safeguards, safeguards outreach and capacity building, safeguards and naval nuclear propulsion, and other issues.

He has also worked on US‑Russian arms control issues, including on questions of verification and monitoring. He is a Commissioner on the Young Deep Cuts Commission, a trilateral American‑German‑Russian group of young experts that aims to provide fresh thinking into the arms control community. Further, he has contributed to an ongoing VCDNP project on the nexus between nuclear security and the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.

In addition to his research agenda, Mr. Mayhew leads the VCDNP’s flagship courses for diplomats and practitioners in the nuclear field, as well as ad-hoc specialised courses on safeguards.


Mr. Mayhew is a member of the first graduating class in the dual master’s degree programme in non-proliferation studies of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). His thesis addressed US-Soviet and US-Russian policy with regard to North Korea’s nuclear programme. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Mr. Mayhew is fluent in Russian and conversational in German.

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