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Our work

The VCDNP promotes international peace and security through research, dialogue, and capacity building on non-proliferation, disarmament, nuclear security, safeguards, and peaceful uses of nuclear technologies.


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Capacity Building

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Latest Activities

Investing in Nuclear Science and Technology

This two-page guide provides a concise overview of the transformative potential of nuclear applications for development and climate goals and shows practical pathways for investing in nuclear technology.
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Securing Our Future: Reducing Nuclear Threats Today and Tomorrow

The VCDNP organised a high-level event and panel discussion on contemporary and developing nuclear threats, featuring remarks by the eighth UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former President of Austria Dr. Heinz Fischer, in partnership with the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens and the City of Vienna.
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The IAEA and Irreversibility: Addressing Political, Institutional, and Technological Verification Challenges in Former Nuclear-Armed States

Senior Research Associate Noah Mayhew has published an article in the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament with co-authors Dr. Leonardo Bandarra and Dr. Malte Göttsche.
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Harnessing Peaceful Uses: Frameworks for Safety, Security, and Non-Proliferation

In this Governing the Atom brief, Dr. Sarah Case Lackner, Ingrid Kirsten, and Benedict Höfter provide a succinct overview of the regulatory mechanisms for nuclear safety, security, safeguards, and export controls that facilitate peaceful uses of nuclear technology while protecting people and the environment, and contributing to global security.
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Proliferation of Weapons at Land and Sea: VCDNP and IAI at Ludovika University

On behalf of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC), Senior Research Associate Federica Dall’Arche (VCDNP) and Senior Research Fellow Paola Tessari (IAI) visited the Ludovika University of Public Service in Budapest to engage the next generation and raise awareness of non-proliferation, disarmament, and arms control issues.
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Our Experts

Edith Bursac
Assistant Director of International Management and Operations
John Carlson
Non-Resident Senior Fellow
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