Posts with Tag: Peaceful Uses

Investing in Nuclear Science and Technology

9 January 2025 • 
This two-page guide provides a concise overview of the transformative potential of nuclear applications for development and climate goals and shows practical pathways for investing in nuclear technology.
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Harnessing Peaceful Uses: Frameworks for Safety, Security, and Non-Proliferation

16 December 2024 • 
In this Governing the Atom brief, Dr. Sarah Case Lackner, Ingrid Kirsten, and Benedict Höfter provide a succinct overview of the regulatory mechanisms for nuclear safety, security, safeguards, and export controls that facilitate peaceful uses of nuclear technology while protecting people and the environment, and contributing to global security.
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VCDNP Delegation at the 2024 IAEA International SMR Conference

28 October 2024 • 
Senior Research Associate Noah Mayhew and Senior Fellow Ingrid Kirsten discussed safeguards by design and stakeholder engagement at the IAEA’s first International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications.
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Ionising Radiation: Transforming Crops and Commerce in the 21st Century

In the first brief of the new Sustainable Solutions series, senior VCDNP experts Ingrid Kirsten and Anthony Stott outline the benefits of ionising radiation for agriculture and economic development, highlighting key applications, and explain how the IAEA supports access to the benefits of ionising radiation around the world.
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The Future of Food: Globalising Access to Innovative Technologies

25 June 2024 • 
The VCDNP organised a panel during the IAEA International Symposium on Food Safety and Control to highlight the support provided by IAEA collaborating centres and the potential of machine-based radiation to improve access to the benefits of radiation for health, food safety and food security in developing countries.
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Accelerating Sustainable Development in Africa: Scaling Up Peaceful Nuclear Uses

29 May 2024 • 
The VCDNP and its partners convened African policymakers and regulators, small modular reactor developers, and international experts, including from philanthropic and financial institutions as well as the IAEA, to discuss challenges and opportunities for the deployment of small modular reactors in Africa.
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VCDNP Activities at the 2024 International Conference on Nuclear Security

27 May 2024 • 
VCDNP experts participated in ICONS 2024, including speaking in and moderating two technical sessions and holding one side event on high-level engagement on nuclear security.
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Expanding Access to Peaceful Uses: State Experience with the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources

25 March 2024 • 
The VCDNP hosted a hybrid panel discussion on the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its importance to the expansion of peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.
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Expanding Non-Power Peaceful Use Applications of Nuclear Science and Technology to Create an Enabling Environment for Nuclear Power

VCDNP Senior Research Associates Anthony Stott and Ingrid Kirsten co-authored a paper on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology in developing countries.
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Expanding Access to the Benefits of Ionising Radiation

23 August 2023 • 
The VCDNP hosted a side event at the 2023 NPT Preparatory Committee meeting focused on IAEA coordinated research projects and expanding access to the benefits of ionising radiation.
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The Eleventh NPT Review Cycle: Is There a Path Forward?

14 June 2023 • 
The VCDNP and CNS convened a high-level diplomatic workshop in Krems, Austria to discuss the upcoming NPT Preparatory Committee meeting.
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Navigating the IAEA Budget Process

A new VCDNP “Governing the Atom” brief focuses on the IAEA’s budget, the budget negotiation process, and challenges to the IAEA’s resources.
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The Contribution of Ionising Radiation to Trade and Agriculture Development

8 May 2023 • 
The VCDNP hosted a panel discussion on the contribution of ionising radiation to trade and agriculture development, including the role of the private sector and the support provided by the IAEA.
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Expanding Access to Peaceful Uses: Role of the Nuclear Regulatory Body in Fostering Supportive Nuclear Safety and Security Cultures

17 February 2023 • 
The VCDNP organised a panel to discuss the experience of nuclear regulators in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and Malaysia in addressing nuclear safety and security and the support provided to them by the IAEA.
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Expanding Access To Peaceful Uses Of Nuclear Power

The VCDNP’s case study and its associated fact sheet on expanding access to peaceful uses of nuclear power examine the factors that drive Ghana’s progress in implementing a nuclear power programme.
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