The P5 Process and the Future of Arms Control

17 February 2020 • 
VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew spoke at a panel discussion on the future of arms control during a P5 civil society conference.
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On 11-12 February 2020, VCDNP Research Associate Noah Mayhew participated in a P5 Civil Society Conference organized by King's College London's Centre for Science and Security Studies (KCL CSSS) and the European Leadership Network (ELN). One day of the conference was dedicated to the next generation of experts in non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament, including a panel on the future of arms control, during which Mr. Mayhew gave remarks.

During his remarks, Mr. Mayhew expressed particular concern over the effect that  worsening tensions between the United States and Russian Federation might have on the 2020 Review Conference to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), as well as to the efficacy of the P5 Process. Other issues, such as US-China relations and the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), were also discussed. Mr. Mayhew concluded that the US and Russia should extend verification provisions under New START as soon as possible and begin negotiations on a follow-on arms reduction treaty. Mr. Mayhew also observed that, while non-nuclear-weapon States to the NPT have expressed frustration at the P5 process, that the 2020 Review Conference provides an opportunity for the nuclear-weapon States to demonstrate their commitment to the NPT.

Joining Mr. Mayhew was IMEMO Center for International Security's Ms. Daria Selezneva.  The panel was moderated by BASIC Co-Director Marion Messmer. A report from the P5 Civil Society Conference has since been jointly published by KCL CSSS and ELN.

Photo Credit: Dr. Lyndon Burford, Centre for Science & Security Studies, Kings College London


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Noah Mayhew
Senior Research Associate

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