VCDNP Fact Sheet on End of Life Management of Sealed Radioactive Sources

9 January 2020 • 
Briefs and Factsheets, Peaceful Uses, Publications
The fact sheet builds on a panel discussion held at the VCDNP with the aim to support countries in the management and disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources.
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All countries enjoy the benefits of radioactive sources in science, agriculture, health and industry. However, the end of life management and disposal of sealed radioactive sources can pose challenges.

This fact sheet focuses on the challenges countries face related to disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRS) and the support that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provides.

View the fact sheet here.

The fact sheet, authored by VCDNP Senior Research Associate Ingrid Kirsten and Research Associate Noah Mayhew, builds on a panel discussion the VCDNP organised in July 2019 on the “End of Life Management of Sealed Radioactive Sources. At that event, experts discussed their experiences with the management and disposal of DSRS. They shared the challenges they face and their success stories, highlighting the support provided by the IAEA and other international partners.

Related Experts

Ingrid Kirsten
Senior Fellow
Noah Mayhew
Senior Research Associate

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